// Thank you for tuning into 2004 Sundance // Core Code 1 campaignTrail_temp.election_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.election\", \"pk\": 9, \"fields\": {\"year\": 2004, \"summary\": \"

Al Gore narrowly won the Presidency by promising proven leadership in a campaign focused mainly on kitchen-table issues. After America was attacked on September 11th, he was forced to step up to the task of defending the free world.

As Gore runs for re-election, he faces former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, who seeks to undercut him on national security issues. Neither candidate starts out favored; Gore must fend off right-wing attacks, while a long primary campaign leaves Giuliani vulnerable to scrutiny over his character flaws.

\", \"image_url\": \"https://i.imgur.com/1paPzgh.png\", \"winning_electoral_vote_number\": 270, \"advisor_url\": \"https://i.imgur.com/pXgrErf.png\", \"site_description\": \"After America was attacked on September 11th, President Al Gore was forced to step up to the task of defending the free world. As he runs for re-election, he faces former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, who seeks to undercut him on national security issues. Gore must fend off right-wing attacks, while a long primary campaign leaves Giuliani vulnerable to scrutiny over his character flaws.\", \"recommended_reading\": \"





Biographies and Election Books

David Maraniss – The Prince of Tennessee
Stephen Singular – Joe Lieberman: The Historic Choice
Andrew Kirtzman – Giuliani: The Rise and Tragic Fall
Wayne Barrett – Rudy!: An Investigative Biography
Jeffrey Toobin – Too Close to Call

Online Resources

CNN America Votes 2004 (Home - Issues)
P2004 (Home - Candidates - Primaries - Conventions)
Background Articles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
2002 and 2004 Coverage (Crystal Ball - Politics1)

After the attacks on September 11th, President Gore was forced to step up to his role as the leader of the free world. He invaded Afghanistan, seeking to catch Al‑Qaeda kingpin Osama bin Laden. With much of America by his side -- as evidenced by his sky-high approval ratings -- Gore regained both houses of Congress in 2002, and was able to pass legislation like education reform and a Patients' Bill of Rights.

Republicans, meanwhile, remained eager to retake the Presidency from a man they saw as an aloof tree-hugger. Many challengers emerged. Mayor Rudy Giuliani was the frontrunner ever since 9/11, but his glaring character flaws provided an opening, and others joined in: Sen. Lugar, playing elder statesman; Sen. McCain and Gen. McChrystal, playing soldier; and Joe Scarborough, playing aspiring Fox anchor. Sen. Maj. Leader Trent Lott was Rudy's most effective challenger, rallying the right of the party around him, but after McCain endorsed Giuliani, and his praise for Strom Thurmond came to light, even he faltered.

Bruised heavily by the primary campaign, Mayor Rudy nonetheless marched on, consistently taking the challenge to President Gore. Despite lagging in fundraising, Giuliani surged ahead with a confident debate performance. Gore fought back with pointed negative ads, seeking to highlight Rudy's flaws and flip-flops. Ultimately the outside groups did Giuliani in, as he faced flaming attack ads over his treatment of 9/11 first responders. Gore took the high road, but the bad press was enough for him to win. Hopefully the next 4 years will make for smoother sailing...

Republican National Convention
July 26–29, Miami, FL

Democratic National Convention
Aug 30–Sep 2, St. Louis, MO

Republican Primary
| Lott | McCain | McChrystal

Presidential Election
Click for county map

The Sundance Team

/u/astrohunch_o – Executive producer, coder, editor, chief designer

/u/StockdaleforTCT – Al Gore lead, Democratic lead

/u/neo1013 – Rudy Giuliani lead, Republican lead

Special thanks to our playtesters – Ted Thing, Lurker, Kaiserlink, martha, duplicator, FlongydOlson, Verbluffen, Edwin Edwards, Sami, Tex, and myrkwise – for their invaluable feedback.

This is dedicated to... the love of the game, as always

\", \"has_visits\": 1, \"no_electoral_majority_image\": \"https://i.imgur.com/dRZ1A9l.png\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 78, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Al\", \"last_name\": \"Gore\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Tennessee\", \"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"

Al Gore became President after winning Florida by 2,200 votes. At first, his tenure promised the same gridlock that plagued his former boss. But when America was attacked on September 11th, he had no option but to defend his country from terror. Since then, he has toppled the Taliban government in Afghanistan while passing key reforms at home. His mandate also grew stronger, as his party regained both chambers of Congress.

Despite this, he still faces a tough fight for re-election. The economy is slacking, with oil prices high, and the millions that still see him as a wonky liberal out of touch with Middle America have found a champion in Rudy Giuliani. Gore must fend off attacks from him, and a GOP machine still reeling from 2000, to lead the free world for four more years.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#235DBA\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#7FB2FF\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"https://i.imgur.com/N7MPAvU.png\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 2000 election.

Though it was perhaps expected, you could have easily faltered at a number of points. Credit to you for pulling through.

On the political front, you can continue the Clinton legacy and strengthen Social Security for generations to come. Perhaps you can succeed on health care where Clinton came up short? Or maybe you can create a future of renewable energy for America. Just be wary of a (George or Jeb?) Bush challenge in 2004.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 2000 election.

Surely the second-guessing will be intense, but if things were close you could probably run again in 2004.

It seems that with George W. Bush and a Republican majority, the United States can expect some conservative policy-making over the next four years. Hopefully Bush comes through on his promise to govern in a bipartisan, conciliatory manner. A lot should depend on the margin of his victory, and whether it was large or small.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost in a squeaker.

No candidate achieved a majority of the electoral votes, for the first time since 1824. Unfortunately for you, a majority of states have Republican controlled congressional delegations.

It seems that with George W. Bush and a Republican majority, the United States can expect some conservative policy-making over the next four years. Hopefully Bush comes through on his promise to govern in a bipartisan, conciliatory manner.

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 77, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Rudy\", \"last_name\": \"Giuliani\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"New York\", \"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"

Rudy Giuliani is the internationally beloved former Mayor of New York City. After a contentious two terms in office, Rudy was given a chance at redemption as his city was sent reeling from September 11th. His actions after the terrorist attacks immediately made Giuliani the early frontrunner for the Republican nomination in 2004.

Enduring a far tougher fight than he expected, the former mayor comes out of the primary burned hard by Senators Lott and McCain; with his personal life and past positions deliberated on, many wonder if he has what it takes to beat President Gore. Giuliani must hold together his wide net of supporters while expanding it to disaffected conservatives and undecided voters. If he can, America's Mayor may become its President.

\", \"color_hex\": \"#BC2323\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FF7F7F\", \"is_active\": 1, \"image_url\": \"https://i.imgur.com/Koo664I.png\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"

Congratulations! You have won the 2000 election.

Confounding the predictions of many experts, you were able to turn the tables on Al Gore, in spite of the economy and Clinton's popularity.

On the political front, you can push for tax cuts to spur the economy and return the budget surplus to the American people. You might also pursue education and immigration reform, individual Social Security accounts, and new laws to defend the family and the sanctity of life.

\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"

Sorry! You have lost the 2000 election.

Perhaps it was always a long-shot, with the Democrats in such a commanding position after eight years of Bill Clinton. In any case, at least you are still the Governor of Texas.

Expect Al Gore to unleash a new round of government programs and environmental regulations. You are still youngish, however. If the election was close this time, perhaps you can run again in 2004, or work on behalf your brother Jeb.

\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"

Wow! You have won in a squeaker.

No candidate achieved a majority of the electoral votes, marking the first time this has happened since 1824. Fortunately for you, the majority of U.S. states have Republican controlled congressional delegations, and they will cast their votes accordingly.

Given the incredibly close nature of the election, you will surely be expected to govern as a moderate, conciliatory President. Right??

\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 79, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Ralph\", \"last_name\": \"Nader/Others\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Green\", \"state\": \"Connecticut\", \"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"'\", \"color_hex\": \"#1C9573\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#64C9AD\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"'\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"'\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"'\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 80, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Roy\", \"last_name\": \"Moore\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Constitution\", \"state\": \"Alabama\", \"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#6D6282\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#B6A4D8\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"''\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 85, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Joe\", \"last_name\": \"Lieberman\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Democrat\", \"state\": \"Connecticut\", \"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#0000FF\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#90C0FF\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"https://i.imgur.com/lRQJfTt.png\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Joe Lieberman is Gore's current Vice President. A Senator from Connecticut for many years, Lieberman has served well in his new role, defending his boss whenever he can while keeping moderates and Jewish voters in the Gore coalition. Without his support, Florida certainly would have been lost in 2000, and that's reason enough to keep him.

Lieberman, however, has seemed frustrated as of late. He has positioned himself on the hawkish side of debates over Iraq and Israel, earning the ire of Secretary of State Mitchell and dividing the cabinet. Lieberman is electorally invaluable, but Gore must tread carefully to ensure tensions with his number two don't boil over onto the trail.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 81, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Rick\", \"last_name\": \"Santorum\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Pennsylvania\", \"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"https://i.imgur.com/nOLdRsA.png\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Rick Santorum is the boyish-looking Junior Senator from Pennsylvania. A strong evangelical conservative, he is known for his outspoken views on homosexuality and abortion; he even recently passed a partial-birth abortion ban through Congress, which President Gore vetoed.

Still folksy, despite spending over a decade in Congress, some feel he could offer well-needed balance to Giuliani's ticket, given the bitter scrutiny he faced during the primaries over his past on abortion and gun control. Santorum could certainly keep conservatives in Giuliani's \\\"wide net\\\" coalition, but there are concerns that his rhetoric could hold him back on the trail.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 82, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Bill\", \"last_name\": \"Frist\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Tennessee\", \"priority\": 7, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"https://i.imgur.com/E3YLxGR.png\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Bill Frist is the Senior Senator from Tennessee. A former heart surgeon, he has so far been a strong ally to Senator Lott and Republican leadership, without taking risks that may damage or boost his standing. That could serve Giuliani well; he doesn't elicit the same reaction on the right that other men on his shortlist do, but it's hoped he holds sway with moderately conservative voters.

With Giuliani's advisors betting on building a broad coalition to beat Al Gore, Frist is viewed as an ideal, if inoffensive, partner. Picking him would also boost Giuliani in the President's home state of Tennessee, which is likely to be an important battleground in the fall campaign.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 83, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Orrin\", \"last_name\": \"Hatch\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Utah\", \"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"https://i.imgur.com/kY3Uz1o.png\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

Orrin Hatch has served as Senator for Utah for 26 years. In that time, he has cemented himself as one of the most vocal conservatives in the halls of Congress. Considered among the hardest-working members of the Senate, Hatch has worked tirelessly toward his ultimate goal of getting right-wing legislation passed and conservative judges confirmed, and his dealings in legislative affairs could soothe fears that Mayor Giuliani can't pass policy.

Senator Hatch would bring the right back into the fold; that said, he could not drive anywhere near the enthusiasm that a more youthful face may be able to. Regardless, he could cool tensions between Giuliani and Senators McCain and Lott without much trouble.

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 84, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"J.C.\", \"last_name\": \"Watts\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Republican\", \"state\": \"Oklahoma\", \"priority\": 9, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FF0000\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFA0A0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"https://i.imgur.com/5uD4Nb1.png\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"

J.C. Watts is the Chairman of the House Republican Conference, and has served in Congress since the \\\"Republican Revolution\\\" of 1994. A team player since his football days, Watts is a strong conservative and has been a frequent critic of the Gore administration over the last four years. His firm stance on a myriad of social issues would more than make up for Giuliani's history of switching positions.

If selected, Watts would make history as the first African-American on a major party ticket; this is as likely to bring minority voters onboard as it is to offload rural \\\"rednecks\\\" to spoiler candidates like Roy Moore. He would also not bring much experience to the ticket, and some feel he may allow Gore to play up the so-called \\\"celebrity angle.\\\"

\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 89, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Peter\", \"last_name\": \"Camejo\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Green\", \"state\": \"California\", \"priority\": 10, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#00C100\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#A1FFA1\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"'\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"'\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.candidate\", \"pk\": 90, \"fields\": {\"first_name\": \"Michael\", \"last_name\": \"Peroutka\", \"election\": 9, \"party\": \"Constitution\", \"state\": \"Maryland\", \"priority\": 11, \"description\": \"''\", \"color_hex\": \"#FFFF00\", \"secondary_color_hex\": \"#FFFFC0\", \"is_active\": 0, \"image_url\": \"''\", \"electoral_victory_message\": \"''\", \"electoral_loss_message\": \"''\", \"no_electoral_majority_message\": \"''\", \"description_as_running_mate\": \"''\", \"candidate_score\": 0.0}}]"); 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  • Select a year and a candidate to find out.
  • You will answer questions about your platform and positions, and also about your campaign strategy.
  • The answers will affect your popularity for better or worse, both nationally and in individual states.
  • Walk the fine line between appealing to your base and winning a majority of the votes.
  • ` document.styleSheets[0].insertRule(".campaign_trail_start_emphasis{ background-color: #b5d5ff00 !important; position: relative; z-index: 1 !important;}", 0); document.styleSheets[0].insertRule("#achwindow, #benefitwindow{ z-index: 999 !important;}", 0); document.getElementById("inner_window_1").children[3].innerHTML = `` document.styleSheets[0].insertRule("#after_button { height:14px; width:56px; z-index: 103; position: absolute; content: ''; top: 5px; left: 9px; opacity: 0; background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/EwlkiHI.png'); display: block;}", 0); document.styleSheets[0].insertRule("#after_button:hover{opacity: 100%;}", 0); /* I could never get the buttons on some of the results pages to show up with the right spacing * This problem is endemic to ALL of NCT because of past shit coding * if you can find a fix please contact /u/astrohunch_o or astro.9407 on Discord * (This code does not currently work and if maintainers have the courage it won't be necessary) function onGameWindowFixHistorical() { const resultsTableHolder = document.getElementById("overall_details_container"); 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dd.addEventListener("change", function () { campaignTrail_temp.global_parameter_json[0].fields.question_count = this.value; }) } else { return; } } // Styling document.styleSheets[0].insertRule("#difficulty_level form {display: inline-block !important; padding: 0 1em !important;", 0); document.styleSheets[0].insertRule("#difficulty_level form p {margin: 0 !important;", 0); // Observer code const diffWatcherConfig = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }; const diffObserver = new MutationObserver(bhToggle); diffObserver.observe(gameWindowNode, diffWatcherConfig); // Achievements campaignTrail_temp.achievements = { "Deja Vu" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/0nLdcOF.png", "description" : "Get the canon 2000 result as either candidate.", "cannotBeCheated" : true }, "Split Decision" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/UFi4GjA.png", "description" : "As either candidate, tie the Electoral College and force Congress to pick the next president.", "cannotBeCheated" : true }, "I Am My Own Man" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/9gH7163.png", "description" : "As Al Gore, win in a landslide without attacking Rudy Giuliani.", "cannotBeCheated" : true }, "Don't Be Had By A Chad" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/1V8yGV3.png", "description" : "As Al Gore, win without Florida.", "cannotBeCheated" : true }, "Son Of The New South" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/FootDd5.png", "description" : "As Al Gore, match or exceed Bill Clinton's performance in the South.", "cannotBeCheated" : true }, "Vacation To The Tropics" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/Mex62fp.png", "description" : "As Al Gore, meet Bill's friends.", "cannotBeCheated" : true }, "Omaha Steaks" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/MiKcNzi.png", "description" : "As Al Gore, win while personally offending a TV star.", "cannotBeCheated" : true }, "Never Forget" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/WPxMJXM.png", "description" : "As Rudy Giuliani, win while talking about 9/11 and Bin Laden at every opportunity.", "cannotBeCheated" : true }, "Jesusland" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/BFuOz9K.png", "description" : "As Rudy Giuliani, win with Rick Santorum as your running mate.", "cannotBeCheated" : true }, "Republican Camelot" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/j3qJFHs.png", "description" : "As Rudy Giuliani, match or exceed Jack Kennedy's electoral vote count with J.C. Watts as your running mate.", "cannotBeCheated" : true }, "This One's For Shrub" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/9Kt7m4v.png", "description" : "As Rudy Giuliani, win while flipping only Florida.", "cannotBeCheated" : true }, "Not Because It Is Easy" : { "image" : "https://i.imgur.com/5tVQoW1.png", "description" : "As Rudy Giuliani, win on impossible difficulty.", "cannotBeCheated" : true } } // Final, necessary additions campaignTrail_temp.modBoxTheme = { "header_color": "#e4e4e4", "header_text_color": "#000000", "description_text_color": "#000000", "description_background_color": "#ffffff", "main_color": "#e4e4e4", "secondary_color": "#4169aa", "ui_text_color": "#ffffff" } campaignTrail_temp.credits = "/u/astrohunch_o,
    with /u/StockdaleforTCT and /u/neo1013.

    🐰 QUESTIONS RANDOMIZED WITH BUNNYHOP" HistHexcolour=["#235DBA","#BC2323","#1C9573","#6D6282"]; HistName=[" Al Gore"," Rudy Giuliani"," Ralph Nader/Others"," Roy Moore"]; HistEV=["343","195","0","0"]; HistPV=["60,124,647","56,385,154","1,664,971","1,076,320"]; HistPVP=["50.4%","47.3%","1.4%","0.9%"]; RecReading = true